Hunting For Witches
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.00
| Posted on Jan. 25, 2012, 9:28 a.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
A Weekend In The City
Song Author
Kele Okereke
File Size
82 KB
I'm si-tt-ing on the ro-of of my house
With a sh-ot-gun and a six pack of beers six pack of beers six pack of beers
The news-cast-er says the en-em-y's am-ong us
As bombs ex-plode on the Thir-ty b-us
Kill your mid-dle class in-dec-is-ion
Now is not the ti-me for lib-er-al thou-ght
So I go hunt-ing for wit-ches
I go hunt-ing for wit-ches
Heads are go-ing to roll
I go hunt-ing for
The ni-ne-ties
Op-tim-ist-ic as a te-en
Now it's te-r-ror
Air-planes crash in-to towers crash in-to towers crash in-to towers
The Dail-y Mail says the en-em-y's am-ong us
Tak-ing our wom-en and tak-ing our jo-bs
All rea-sona-ble thought is be-ing drowned out by the
non-stop bey-ing bey-ing beying for blo-od
So I go hunt-ing for wit-ches
I go hunt-ing for wit-ches
Heads are go-ing to roll
I was an or-din-ary man with an or-din-ary de-sire
I watched T-V it informed me
I was an or-din-ary man with an or-din-ary de-si-re
There must be a-ccount-a-bil-it-y
Dis-par-ate and mis-in-fo-rmed
Fear will keep this all i-n pla-ce
So I go hunt-ing for wit-ches
I go hunt-ing for wit-ches
Heads are go-ing to roll
I was an or-din-ary man with an or-din-ary de-sire
I watched T-V it informed me
I was an or-din-ary man with an or-din-ary de-si-re
There must be a-ccount-a-bil-it-y
Dis-par-ate and mis-in-fo-rmed
Fear will keep this all i-n pla-ce
The Intro (and Outro) was hard to get right, but I think
I was quite close though.
Turn down the volume or mute the vocals if you don't
want to hear them.
Again, like "Little Thoughts", the drums are hard to
work out as I've never owned drums myself and don't
get to play them often. Apologies for mistakes.
UPDATED: Scratched effects, bass and Gordon's
vocals altered/corrected in parts - June 05, 2007